Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Galaxy Nexus Far Away From Us....

The company denied USA a Nexus launch when promising it for months, presumptively to market its Galaxy S models, however that hasn't stopped the Galaxy Nexus from unavowed its approach into determined hands—and the numbers area unit rising steady.

After some of buddies got the Nexus and with pride showed it off, a form of fever unfold and therefore the model's quality grew even a lot of, perhaps, owing to its somewhat illicit nature. Before I might even say iPhone five, there have been over a dozen people that told Maine they needed the Galaxy Nexus. at intervals every week, they were all proud house owners of either the white or gray version.

We ne'er needed ICS to induce slowed down by associate unnecessarily puffy UI, notwithstanding what proportion internal control it's skilled. The core UI has continually had a pretty aesthetic of its own. Sure, growing and ROMing varied devices even gave USA the jelly egg feel we have a tendency to currently crave, however to ascertain it all told its glory—essentially, within the nude—was one thing else entirely. For developers and reviewers, this telephone set makes good sense.

Of course, it had been additionally all regarding the updates and having bragging rights that you’re running the terribly latest version of a really in style mobile OS before devices that area unit priced at Rs. 37,000 and higher than might even get a glimpse of it. jelly egg brings a pretty smoothness to the phone's overall practicality and there’s no denying that the Galaxy Nexus is certainly one handsome piece of hardware.

Had the Galaxy Nexus been launched through a lot of official channels, it might are awfully laborious to seem at the most of the opposite models in Samsung’s ever-expanding fleet. i would prefer to believe that the choice to stay it off Indian shelves was taken when serious thought.

So far, I feel there isn't any buyer's sorrow any. The Galaxy Nexus could be a versatile telephone set with lots to supply and is far and away the simplest alternative in its bracket, still the assurance issues. Let’s simply hope that Google continues to convey USA Nexus house owners the primary shot at new updates as and once they become on the market.

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 Is Incredible...

Few product in recent years that haven't had a bitten Apple brand somewhere upon their chassis have garnered the maximum amount attention because the Galaxy S3. once the large success of the Galaxy S2 last year it's this follow up that several folks have expected to once more be the flag bearer for Android smartphones. however has Samsung succeeded? is that the Samsung Galaxy S3 the head of Android smartphones, and so of mobile phones in general?

Anyone that is already conversant in the Galaxy S3 can understand that its style and build has courted argument. Eschewing the premium feeling materials of the iPhone 4S or HTC One X, it uses a shiny plastic back that, though by no suggests that inherently budget, could be a end a lot of related to cheaper handsets.

In sensible terms there are a number of real problems with the Galaxy S3 too. whereas the polycarbonate that the plate armor is created from is incredibly robust thanks to its pliability, it is not terribly scratch resistant, even with an additional scratch resistant coating – either the matt end of the HTC One X of Xperia S, or glass of the iPhone 4S can standup to a lot of penalization. That said, it ought to be comparatively cheap to urge replacement backs for the Galaxy, and providing it is a single piece that covers the complete back, this can create your phone scratch-free in one fell swoop. Samsung's alternative of finishes – shiny white (Marble White) and fake brushed gold blue (Pebble Blue) ought to wear any scratches fairly well too.
The other potential issue is that, significantly given the Galaxy S3 is such an over sized and skinny phone, it may succumb to being crushed. significantly we're thinking compared to the iPhone 4S and its robust steel sides here. That phone will take a right squishing and squashing once in an exceedingly pocket whereas we'd be a trifle a lot of cautious of cracking this phone's screen if hunkered down down or some such.

What's a lot of, pop that battery cowl off and you are into an entire world of goodness. there is a microSD slot that'll take cards up to 64GB in size, doubtless providing you with up to 128GB of storage if you choose for the Galaxy S3 version with 64GB of inbuilt memory.

You conjointly get an oversized 2100mAh battery that not solely able to} swap out for a spare once required however also within the future you'll be able to get extended batteries that last longer on one charge. whereas the SIM slot on the Galaxy might look massive, just like the iPhone 4S and HTC One X, it really homes a microSIM. One counterpoint to the removable battery is that you just cannot hot-swap SIM cards like on the One X.